20 April 2006

Support Raising

I'm right in the middle of raising support for Chicago Summer Project right now, and "raising support" is an idea that really turns a lot of people off. Apparently I shouldn't be begging for money and I'm not pulling my weight or something. I thought I would use this space to offer an explanation as to why I don't mind asking for money for ministry with no apologies:

We, as Christians, are one single body of Christ, all working together to fufill the Great Commission. We do that with our everyday lives, our time, our energy, and our money, among other things. What is being offered in letters asking for support for Chicago Summer Project is the oppotunity to take part in an effort to bring the Gospel to the city of Chicago and to equip students for college ministry. Those who choose to give, give, and those who choose not to give, choose not to give. I am certainly not the master of anyone's money

However, if I am taking part in a ministry that I believe in, then I will unabashedly ask others to support me in that ministry. If it is going to be an effective and life-changing ministry opportunity, then I get exciting about finding others to join with me in my endeavor. I am not ashamed.

I strongly believe in this Chicago Summer Project. There will be initiative evangelism on campuses. There will be contacts made with Christian students on campuses. We will bring God's love to Millennium Park and the Taste of Chicago. We will share the Gospel with students we are living along with at Illinois Institude of Technology, including a multitude of international students. There is so much more even that I cannot explain in a blog.

When I raise support, I am not asking for charity. I am asking you to catch the same vision I have, to get a passion and a prayerful heart for Chicago, and to truly join with me in ministry, hopefully financially.

Anyway, money is a teeny tiny thing to God. He could care less about how much green any of us have. It is easy for Hiim to send me to Chicago if that is what He wants, and I believe he will this summer. Is he calling you to be his hands and feet in this process, in this instance?

I think that we all (myself included) need to cling onto our money less. Our attitude, when it comes to giving money to forward the kingdom, should not be that we are making a big sacrifice and that God better reward us. That's not God's perspective at all. To God, money is a tiny, insigificant things. Our attitude should be that we will freely give because the investment is eternal and the money is meaningless.


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