23 May 2006

Fresh Resolve

resolve (n) - firm determination to do something.

Yesterday I experienced the joy of spending time with three friends in Tuscarawas county. My hour-long drive home by myself was amazing. I listened to an inspiring, energetic, God-centered cd and when it was over, I turned off the stereo, closed my eyes and, filled with the Spirit, prayed to God, thanking Him for everything and handing my life over to Him once again.

Okay, I was just kidding about the eyes closed part. But the rest is true.

Whenever I am alone and I really feel the Spirit of God, my brain seems to run through a string of mindsets. The first is, of course, awe and humbleness at the feet of the Creator, Savior, and Lord. I can't find the words to express how great God is, or how indebted I am to Him.

The state of mind that follows that humble praise, though, is straight-up hardcore RESOLVE. It is the resolve to be the person God is transforming me into. It is the resolve for my own desires, personality, and habits to disintigrate because of the blinding light that is transmitted through me as Jesus shines through 100%. It is the resolve to turn completely inside out, having no selfish, insecure, worrysome thoughts whatsover, but instead to focus outwardly on others' needs, dealing out uninhibited love. It is to be a man full of the strength of the Spirit, without fear, fully dependent on Jesus Christ.

This summer in Chicago, I pray to God that this resolve becomes reality. Last summer, I came to project afraid and inward-looking. No more. I am determined to forget self and see only God, and, in turn, help all those around me meet God face to face, to participate in the fellowship of the Spirit, to breathe life anew.

Whatever it takes. No matter what the cost. Praise Jesus Christ, king over creation.


Blogger Jessie said...

Powerful stuff! Keep it up. :)

9:01 PM  

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