03 July 2006

Quick update...

Sorry it's been so song since I've posted. Here's some cool stuff:

I love work. I really feel like I'm serving people. The other employees are great. I'm praying for them a lot.

Project Staff leaves this Thursday. This means that for the second half of the project, the students are the new "staff," taking over all the project jobs (leading studies, setting direction, planning outreaches, etc). I will be the new Project Director. It's always awesome when staff leaves (even though they are dearly missed) because we are forced to depend on God so much and he does many awesome things.

Outreach as been so awesome lateley. Yesterday we gave out water bottles and asked people about living water. We saw two people accept Christ, and the Gospel was shared with a multitude of people. Last Sunday we had a car wash with Here's Life Inner City and The Agape Center and saw a few more people come to Christ.

It's just been awesome to share God's love with others.

Alright, more late.r


Blogger Jessie said...

Being able to work for the Lord, serving Him and His people = very cool! :) Have a great week, Joe. -Jess

9:12 PM  

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